Tuesday, 24 December 2024

A Red String & The Green Light

A year is a funny thing, don't you think?

It can feel like its lasted an entire decade or sometimes it passes in no time at all.

Our first year in each others lives has been quite the journey....

How does a once stranger you never knew existed, find their way to you on a seemingly inconsequential Tuesday and become the one thing you just can't live without?

I had just dragged myself out of the worst 2 years of my entire life, absolutely resigned and content with the new life I had built from the rubble of the old one. 

And it was a good life, don't get me wrong. 

But it was also a spectators life. A cautious life. A life without risk.

One lived entirely on the sideline, afraid to take any step which may upset the delicate equilibrium I had worked so hard to achieve. 

I was afraid to live in a world where I might get hurt again, so to remedy this, I created a few simple rules. 

Acquaintances only, you can't get hurt if you're not emotionally invested. No opening up or trusting people, you can't be disappointed by someone you haven't been vulnerable with. Be kind always because you can't let what you've been through alter the core of who you are. Above all? Stay away from love. You cannot lose what you do not have. Abiding by these rules kept me safe and there was no scenario I was not prepared for.

It was a good list... a safe list and it got me through.

Until You. As ironic as I know you will find this? You were the one thing I never saw coming.

I had no idea just how much I was living my life on auto pilot until you showed up with your kindness, your warmth, your ability to make me laugh, your unwavering strength, your charm (yes I said it... now you have it in writing) and your complete lack of awareness as to just how incredible you are in every single way, even and especially on your bad days.

You quickly became my favourite part of every day. And from that day to this? There has never been a day in between where that hasn't remained the absolute truth. Without effort or agenda you became my person. It felt like you had always been here and I soon realised that there would never come a time where I could imagine not needing or wanting you in my life. 

For the first time in years, I was terrified. Because I had something to lose... you. 

I had no idea just how much I wanted someone to be that person until you were. That's when I realised, it was never about the 'what'... it was always the 'who'. We met at just the right time to be exactly what the other needed. Don't worry, I won't bring the universe or statistics into it. Even though I know just how much you love when I do that. But I truly believe we saw right to the core of one another, into the centre of our beings that very first night. Somehow laying the foundation for the safe harbour we would ultimately be for one another.

We had no way of knowing what we would become or where the journey would lead us of course, but there is not a day that goes by where I am not eternally grateful for that invisible red string that has always connected us and that finally untangled and shortened itself just enough to bring us together.

Thank you for allowing me those little things that all add up to making our shared universe such a magical place to inhabit. Thank you for annoying me endlessly, for trusting me, for having faith, not just in me... but in general. For allowing me to be present on the bad days just as much as the good and for letting me hold space to be there with you during. For being the most lovable person I have ever met. Thank you for being exactly who you are Craig. I wouldn't change any of it. Thank you for allowing me to fuss over you even though you're um... not sure how you feel about it but allow me anyway. For matching my crazy (genuinely never thought that was possible) Oh, and of course for allowing me to steal your best friend too! Thank you for being here, for making me laugh, for making me cry. Thank you for bringing me not just back to life, but to a life with you in it, all while showing me that true unconditional love does actually exist. Thank you for making my heart happy.

But most of all? Thank you for being that person I am terrified to lose because you have taught me that some people not only restore your faith and help to heal the parts they didn't break, they're also entirely worth the risk of being hurt one thousand times over.

Merry Christmas Craig,

Love Always... IFG.

Drea x

Tuesday, 6 February 2024

Welcome to the End of Infinity

There is a theory in quantum mechanics... its that when a conscious observer, observes sub atomic particles the laws of Newtonian physics no longer apply, they break down and cease to exist.  Quantum particles appear to change their behaviour when they're being observed, which poses the immense question, do they have consciousness?

Its funny the things that draw you to write. Grief. Grief for the loss of something truly incredible. And I hear you ask, 'Okay Drea, but what the hell do sub atomic particles have to do with grief?!'.

The simple answer is, consciousness. I remember reading a quote from Neil deGrasse Tyson once, the interviewer asked him what we knew for certain about consciousness. His answer was quite simply... nothing. 'Look at all the books about Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Mechanics etc... there are countless definitive books on every subject. Now show me one definitive book on consciousness, you can't, therefore, we know nothing'.

If there is defining characteristic of consciousness it is that any being changes their behaviour when being observed. Who we are, who we portray ourselves to be, for the most part is entirely dependant on the present observer. Take CERN for example... all those particles and photons being shot at infinite speeds around the Large Hadron Collider... changing their behaviour when observed by a conscious entity (us) and I wonder, do they have the capacity within their consciousness to experience loss and as a result, grief? By another theory it states that not only can they change their behaviour, but they can also choose to blink in and out of existence. It's their superpower.

Me telling you this doesn't really have anything to do with loss, its just that part of being an existentialist where you try and capture the sadness you feel, to compress it in a way that doesn't make you want to self implode. I've never really experienced loss on any grand scale. I'm incredibly lucky in that respect. I have always chosen to live in the present, to love in the present, to never think too far ahead, lest it distract me from the magical moments I might otherwise miss daily. I have always found joy and comfort in the little things. The things one might take for granted. If something bad happens, I think well at least a, b, and c is still whatever'. There is always a silver lining, always. There just has to be. I refused to live in a world where silver linings weren't a thing of beauty and I always ensured I helped others to find their Silver Linings too. I was good at it. It was my superpower.

People come and go, some make a brief appearances others settle into your life like a weird piece of furniture that was always there. I read once that the person you think of as you, exists only for you. Every person you meet, have a relationship with, friendship with, interact with or meet on the street creates a version of you in their heads. There are infinite you's out there. A you exists in everyone you've ever mets mind and yet your you, who you believe yourself to be, it may not be someone to anyone at all.

Sometimes you meet someone you think will always stay, that they will always be there. But life doesn't work that way. I was always more myself with you than with any other. I once shared the belief that some infinities are bigger than others, but what I failed to realise, is that even infinities have an end. Ours cannot be quantified or codified, it will blink in and out of existence as we observe it change under our observation. So maybe, in the end, in that respect our consciousness and the consciousness of atoms and sub atomic particles aren't so different.

We are all infinitely floating, trying to remain present to an observer of our choosing, before finally, blinking out of existence...

Sunday, 19 November 2023


You know,

I am sure that there was a time before you...

That, there was a Me before You.

Seemingly disjointed now,

It is, without logical or meaningful connection.

I've become lost when retracing my steps, 

trying to find the precise moment you made yourself at home in a world few are invited to see.

Our shared universe took it's time when crafting us,

Ensuring its tailor made simplicity was the perfect fit.

It left no room for doubt or jealously.

Instead, what it offered was safe harbour.

Where the purpose of our hearts appear, by their very investiture to be... broken.

Our Souls by comparison are no delicate thing. 

They alter by which our alteration finds that

Our Souls do not break, they bend. 

Through this discovery I have come to believe that hearts,

May be seemingly inconsequential by comparison.

We contain multitudes. 

Our beginning was beautiful. 

Our past experiences and collective traumas ensured we mutually handled those broken or fractured parts in only the most delicate fashion. 

It was the perfect foundation, the foundation of Our shared safe harbour. 

I had always imagined my safe harbour to be some illusive place, when in reality the safe harbour I was presented with, was You.

A Harbour by its very definition, reliably contains a vast body of water. They say that the sea is actually black and that it merely reflects and absorbs the blue sky above.

And So it was, for me, with you. 

It was and has been the most singular privilege to reflect who you truly are back to you.

So that you could admire yourself in my eyes. 

Where you are at last... Enough.

If you are the Ocean which surrounds and envelops our safe harbour, I am the waves, for the moment we part I refract, I involuntarily crash and break before dissipating and returning to the Ocean. 

Before returning to you. 

Our Ocean, for all intents and purposes is two separate entities. The Water and the Waves. 

And, although the waves may crash and break, appearing separate, they are always welcomed back by the Ocean, becoming one... once again. 

Just as infinity intended.

Our path on the return journey to our Safe Harbour has presented us both with obstacles.

Navigation has not been plain sailing.

But lessons learned, revealed the emotion that once broke our individual hearts?

Was also the emotion You and I collectively invoked to piece each other together again, conscientiously... meticulously.

I believe in that moment, our souls intertwined... the inexplicable, primordial singularity that created this tiny universe.

Our shared inhabitation, impervious to anyone but you and I...

Impervious to anyone but us.

Tuesday, 20 June 2023

Some Infinities Are Bigger Than Other Infinities...

Hey there, it's me again... back to pour out some random musings from the depths of my soul. Nothing to see here, just me trying to make sense of the findings from my latest existential crisis... My recent post about my journey of self discovery focused mostly on my struggle with self image. The overwhelmingly positive response I received to that post was pretty incredible.

In all honesty writing that post was the catalyst for me beginning to examine different facets of my life and my relationships with others. Truth be told relationships of any description be they romantic, friendship or purely associative have always felt like they've come a little more difficult to me than it seems in comparison to observation of others. Relationships to me are deeply complex and based on the individual involved, I have never had the same type of interpersonal relationship with anyone twice.

My circle of close friends is practically non existent. And that has always been a conscious choice on my part. I have serious trust issues, and every time I've decided to take a chance and let someone in, it has resulted in heartbreak of some description. So I decided the only way to protect myself was to put a wall up, to become extremely guarded. Don't get me wrong, to the world I remained who I was but I just didn't let anyone in for fear of being hurt. And through all this, mustering every last shred of insatiable positivity I had, I continued to look for the good in people, only seeing the best. I have plenty of acquaintances in my life who I value dearly, but what had been lacking in my life was one of those once in a lifetime type people. The kind you could tell anything to and know for sure it would never go any further... the type that make your life better by just being there and being exactly who they are.

The expression that kept springing to mind whenever I would feel like I was missing out was 'Aundrea, try to remember quality, not quantity'. For the longest time I told myself that when I least expected it, the universe would introduce someone into my life that would show me that even after all the shitty relationships I could still trust and see the good in people.

What the universe ended up sending me was something infinitely more valuable. You see, what I have learned is that all these harsh lessons and failed friendships haven't been for nothing. They've made me come to the realisation that each journey you have the courage to embark on can be considered a truth seeking mission on your road to becoming fully self aware. I truly believe that if you are willing to leave behind everything familiar and comforting about yourself and set out on this truth seeking journey, be it internal or external. And you are willing to regard everything that happens to you on this journey as a lesson, it will lead you to people who will change the course of your life forever. If you accept these people for who and what they are, and embrace them as teachers, they will help you to face and forgive some very difficult realities about yourself. If you follow this path, the truth will not be withheld from you.

The truth is not always agreeable, it is not always what we want to hear but as much as it can damage and ruin, ruin is the road to transformation. The teachers we encounter who value us enough to share their truth with us, can be the ones to help you to open yourself up to learning more about who you are than you ever thought possible.

Embrace these people wholeheartedly. They don't come along too often. They are the guides and teachers on this beautiful road called life who show us what it means to be who we are. And should you ever be lucky enough to encounter one who makes themselves at home in your life, like they have always been there? Treasure and hold on to them with every fibre of your being, they are the truly unique, the once in a lifetime, the ones you will turn to in times of crisis and times of joy. They are the truly irreplaceable.

Serendipity is a funny thing... you look for something, find something else and you end up realising that what you've found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for. This journey has ended up teaching me that my purpose in my relationships is to continue being no one other than exactly who I am and to do my upmost to help try and make my presence in the lives of the individual people I care about something that they can trust in and rely on. I have learned that for the people I truly care about and infinitely value, who I am and what I mean to them? It's enough.

I know that without context some or even most of this post might not make a massive amount of sense to you. But it's something I needed to write, a sort of thank you letter to the universe for sending me exactly what I needed.

It is also a thank you to the teachers in my life, the people who have made themselves at home in the infinite chaos of the beautiful disaster that is my stream of consciousness. Thank you for being who you are, for what you mean to me, and please know that you, just you as you are? You're enough and I am infinitely grateful for you.

To me, each individual relationship in my life is like an infinity. Infinities can take place within a numbered days, others cannot be quantified and a very wise astrophysicist once informed me that some infinities are bigger than other infinities. Not many people know that, and often when you learn it for the first time, it can be pretty mind blowing. Thats how I feel this journey has been for me. 'Some infinities are bigger than other infinities' and I cannot begin to codify how grateful I am for our little infinity.

Be kind to one another, be a teacher, and try to appreciate each infinity for what it is and what it has meant or will continue to mean to you.

Aundrea x