Thursday, 3 May 2012

Sunshine Award.

Hello Lovlies!

I was given a Sunshine Blogger award by one of my favorite bloggers Chelsea!

It was such an honor to be given this, especially because I'm quite a newbie at the whole blogging thing.

Thank you Chelsea!

So, here's how it works...
1. The person awarded must choose and tag 7 people to recive the award 
2. Each tagged blogger must post 7 facts about themselves
3. The 7 chosen bloggers must in turn tag 7 people that they woud like to bistow the award upon, and tell them!

7 Facts about me...
My daughter Addison and my partner Aaron are my world.

I have a serious addiction to makeup and nail polish.

I would be totally lost without my iPhone

Daisy's are my favorite flowers.

I would be totally lost without my world of Twitter friends.

Capri and Sorrento are my favorite places in the entire world.

If my life were a movie, I would love to have John Hughes direct it!

So there you have it, 7 facts about me!

The people I tag are:

All the above ladies are some of the most lovely women I have ever met. I know its only through Twitter but they really feel like friends and bring sunshine into my life daily!

Thank you girls, love you all and enjoy the tag!
