Sunday 19 November 2023


You know,

I am sure that there was a time before you...

That, there was a Me before You.

Seemingly disjointed now,

It is, without logical or meaningful connection.

I've become lost when retracing my steps, 

trying to find the precise moment you made yourself at home in a world few are invited to see.

Our shared universe took it's time when crafting us,

Ensuring its tailor made simplicity was the perfect fit.

It left no room for doubt or jealously.

Instead, what it offered was safe harbour.

Where the purpose of our hearts appear, by their very investiture to be... broken.

Our Souls by comparison are no delicate thing. 

They alter by which our alteration finds that

Our Souls do not break, they bend. 

Through this discovery I have come to believe that hearts,

May be seemingly inconsequential by comparison.

We contain multitudes. 

Our beginning was beautiful. 

Our past experiences and collective traumas ensured we mutually handled those broken or fractured parts in only the most delicate fashion. 

It was the perfect foundation, the foundation of Our shared safe harbour. 

I had always imagined my safe harbour to be some illusive place, when in reality the safe harbour I was presented with, was You.

A Harbour by its very definition, reliably contains a vast body of water. They say that the sea is actually black and that it merely reflects and absorbs the blue sky above.

And So it was, for me, with you. 

It was and has been the most singular privilege to reflect who you truly are back to you.

So that you could admire yourself in my eyes. 

Where you are at last... Enough.

If you are the Ocean which surrounds and envelops our safe harbour, I am the waves, for the moment we part I refract, I involuntarily crash and break before dissipating and returning to the Ocean. 

Before returning to you. 

Our Ocean, for all intents and purposes is two separate entities. The Water and the Waves. 

And, although the waves may crash and break, appearing separate, they are always welcomed back by the Ocean, becoming one... once again. 

Just as infinity intended.

Our path on the return journey to our Safe Harbour has presented us both with obstacles.

Navigation has not been plain sailing.

But lessons learned, revealed the emotion that once broke our individual hearts?

Was also the emotion You and I collectively invoked to piece each other together again, conscientiously... meticulously.

I believe in that moment, our souls intertwined... the inexplicable, primordial singularity that created this tiny universe.

Our shared inhabitation, impervious to anyone but you and I...

Impervious to anyone but us.